PADI Assistant Instructor Course
PADI Assistant Instructor program provides PADI Divemasters, and those
certified to leadership levels with other diver training organizations,
with additional training as instructional assistants and dive educators.
If you meet the above criteria then this program will builds upon
your abilities to organize and supervise dive activities, while concentrating
on developing teaching skills.
Through independent study, classroom sessions and practical application,
candidates learn to construct effective teaching presentations and
conduct PADI programs.
To qualify for PADI Assistant Instructor training, you'll need to:-
1. Be certified as a PADI Divemaster or leadership level with another
recreational diver training organization;
2. Be at least 18 years old;
3. Be in good physical condition for diving and submit a medical exam
form signed by a physician;
4. Have completed and logged at least 60 open water dives with experience
in night, deep and navigation.
PADI Assistant Instructor program consists of:-
1. Formal training in conducting PADI programs and experience programs;
2. Independent study assignments;
3. Practical application sessions;
4. Written examinations.
As a PADI Assistant Instructor, you'll be able to:
1. Act as an instructional assistant.
2. Assume limited teaching responsibilities.
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